Many sober living providers and recovery residences throughout the metro Atlanta area recommend people attending a treatment program on an outpatient basis. They are usually referred to as IOPs, which stands for Intensive Outpatient Program.
An IOP typically consists of 3-5 half days per week (10+ hours) of group and individual therapy and counseling, and are considered an ideal transition for people returning from residential treatment, or who need more that just a supportive recovery community.
There are many IOP options in the Atlanta area, depending on which sober living program you choose. Some sober living providers have IOPs they work with closely, while others allow the residents to choose which treatment they would like to pursue.
How Long Does an IOP Last?
Intensive outpatient programs can last anywhere from 6 weeks to 6 months. An average would be about 12 weeks for most people. From there, they can also continue to participate on a regular outpatient level at once per week, often for another 6 months for ongoing support.
If you would like information on what outpatient treatment facilities are available near the sober living program you are choosing, we can assist you with that as well.